Impact Session Speaker


Sr. Marie Veritas, SV was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. Deeply moved by the beauty of the truth of God’s love for the human person, and experiencing a profound call to consecration, she entered the Sisters of Life in 2010 after graduating from the University of Alberta with a degree in Biology. She professed her final vows in 2018, and currently serves as the community’s director of evangelization, residing at St. Mary Magdalene Convent in Denver, CO. The Sisters of Life are a religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor who take a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. Immersed in Eucharistic prayer within a vibrant community life, their missions include caring for vulnerable pregnant women and their unborn children; inviting those wounded by abortion into the healing mercy of Jesus; fostering a Culture of Life through evangelization; retreat works; spiritual accompaniment of college students; and upholding the beauty of marriage and family life. (